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Every project starts with a concept. And to meet the objectives of your project, proper planning and design work is required. Conda Richards is offering CAD drawings to aid in your design phase.

       Below is a composite sample of Conda Richard's drawings showing the types of drawings
available. All drawings are plotted on a HP Design Jet plotter and have lineweight and shading applied.

        All drawings, except the floor plans and exterior graphics elevations, show the buses in the original condition. Packages come with four different floor plan options. These may be combined to make your ideal layout, or taken as is. Even if you have been working on a plan, these may give you some new ideas.

Drawings included:

        Cover, general information, elevations (all four), roof plan, four floor plans, layout grids (for designing graphic schemes & floor plans), & sample graphic layouts.

        Drawings are available for: Eagle 05, Eagle 10, MC-7, and the MC-8. Coming soon is: GMC, MC-9, & Prevost.

For further information, please email Conda Richards at mailto:crichards@tlp-architecture.com

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